Internship Resources

An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization that provides students exposure to a working environment. Internships are generally offered to undergraduate or graduate students and can be paid or unpaid. Some internships award credit to fulfill an academic requirement. Internships provide an excellent opportunity for networking, to gain valuable experience in and exposure to a particular industry, to enhance your resume, and can often lead to permanent employment. An internship may be your first step towards your new career!

Finding an Internship

Securing an internship can sometimes be a challenging and daunting undertaking.
Below are tips and resources to help guide you:

  • Networking is critical!
    • Talk to your professors! They often have a vast network of industry connections.
    • Talk to your friends, neighbors, and family. They may know someone who works in the industry you are interested in and could help you make a connection.
  • Connect with the 职业规划 and Advancement Center office to inquire about internship leads, get assistance with your resume, and prepare for your interview.
  • Search company websites for internship postings.

Online Resources

Check out these online resources to search for internship opportunities:

Follow the links below to view articles and videos with tips on how to have a successful internship experience: